“You spend a third of your life in bed,” says Ariel Kaye, founder and CEO of Parachute. “Sleep impacts every aspect of your health, productivity, and happiness.”

Years ago, Ariel set out to buy the perfect bedding. What she found instead was a market flooded with low-quality products, misinformation about thread count, and fabric treated with toxic chemicals. She left her search feeling confused and discouraged.

So, she decided to create the perfect bedding herself - and Parachute was born.

Turning frustration into action

In many ways, Parachute gathers up all the threads of Ariel’s personal journey. Living in the hustle and bustle of New York made her realize the value of a good night’s sleep. “This sanctuary of comfort was something that I knew would improve my life,” she says.

Ariel was also inspired by the time she spent traveling in Italy. Between the quality of local craftsmanship and the artists’ “pride and attention to detail,” she remembers being deeply inspired to create her own products.

With this inspiration driving her, Parachute began to take off.

Connecting through comfort

For Ariel, Parachute has always been about using the experience of comfort as “a powerful way to connect with people.” After Parachute’s two and a half years as an online-only brand, Ariel wanted to create a space where people could directly engage and connect with products firsthand.

This inspired her to open the Parachute Hotel in Venice, CA. “The hotel was a really natural brand extension for us,” she says. “At the end of the day, while we do sell products, we’re trying to communicate and connect with people through a lifestyle.”

This lifestyle is one of comfort. The space is beautifully curated, but Ariel says she doesn’t want it feel “too precious.” She wants people to feel like they can kick off their shoes, curl up under a blanket, and make themselves at home.

Enhancing everyday rituals

Ariel’s goal for Parachute’s future is to enhance the parts of our daily routines that we often take for granted. To her, life is made up of the littler moments.

“We wake up, we go to sleep, we take showers - it’s always been about these rituals,” Ariel says. But when we overlook them, we’re not getting the most out of these experiences. “What are the things in your home that you do that can be more comfortable?”

This is how Parachute went beyond bedding to offer towels, bathrobes, throws, and more. Ariel wants the brand to keep growing to encompass more of these little routines and make them more enjoyable. “The ritual of having coffee every morning - how can we be a part of that?”

At the end of the day, comfort is Ariel’s key to creating meaningful experiences. It inspires us, helps us connect with others, and adds value to our daily lives. “Comfort is the narrative we try to tell with all of our products,” Ariel says. For Parachute, it’s a story that’s worth sharing.